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Consulting Services

  • Start Your Business

    4 Consulting Session
    Valid for 4 months
    • 4 Consulting Sessions
    • Business Scope & Strategy
    • Financial Planning
    • Basic Marketing Strategy
  • Know your Business

    Valid for 8 months
    • Business Scope & Strategy
    • Financial Assessment & Planning
    • Marketing Evaluation & Strategy
    • Time Management Accountability
  • Mind Your Business

    Valid for 12 months
    • Business Scope & Strategy
    • Financial Assessment & Planning
    • Marketing Evaluation & Strategy
    • Time Management Accountability
    • Productivity Planning
  • Boss Your Business

    Valid for 18 months
    • Business Scope & Strategy
    • Financial Assessment & Planning
    • Marketing Evaluation & Strategy
    • Time Management Accountability
    • Productivity Planning
    • Brand Growth Strategy
    • "I'm the Boss" Certification
  • TBF Members

    Every month
    The Boss Factory Exclusive Membership
    • Private FB Group Meetings that gain exclusive content
    • Only Verified Business Owners
    • Network With Other Individuals
    • Access to Chawanne Burns and her team
    • The Boss Factory Boss Planner
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